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26 resultsNews and articles
The challenge of work-life balance: impact and challenges for companies
Royal Decree-Law 5/2023 of June 28 has introduced significant changes in the area of labor leave, expanding the rights of reconciliation and ensuring equality of treatment and opportunities between men and women at work. These updates have been the necessary response to the European Directive 2019/1158, which aims to balance the family and professional life of parents and caregivers.
Earth Hour
Earth Hour is an annual event created by the environmental organization WWF, celebrated worldwide on the last Saturday of March to raise awareness about climate change and promote sustainable actions. This year, on the upcoming Saturday, March 25, for one hour (from 20:30 to 21:30), lights in homes, businesses, and iconic monuments around the world will be turned off to show their commitment to the fight against climate change.
Sustainability as a lever for economic development
Neologism refers to a newly incorporated word in a language, used to designate a new object or concept that previously did not exist. Some of these words are circumstantial, while others signify shifts in the social, cultural, and economic paradigms of the world around us. Recalling history, words linked to concepts such as suffrage or capitalism have represented new ways of organizing human activity around society.
The year 2023 will begin with the most profound reform in the history of the self-employed social security contribution system
As of January 1st, 2023, all self-employed groups (RETA) will start contributing to a new system based on profits (real income).
A chant that year after year sounded like a claim, this year comes into force.
What can the dismissal of a worker in a situation of Temporary Incapacity mean for companies?
On July 14, the Law 15/2022, of July 12, came into effect. This law aspires to be the backbone of anti-discrimination law in our country, extensively developing various fields of action derived from Article 14 of the Constitution, which aims to guarantee and promote the right to equal treatment and non-discrimination of people.
7 benefits of innovation meetings outside the office
In Spain, despite the increasing discussion on innovation in working conditions such as telecommuting, family reconciliation, flexible schedules, or a 4-day work week, these concepts are still challenging to integrate into our routines and, above all, into our corporate culture or mindset.
At Grup Carles, we accompany and advise cooperative and social and solidarity economy projects
Recently at Grup Carles, we renewed the Seal Aquí Assessorem l’Economia Social (Here We Advise the Social Economy), which certifies that we have undergone specific training in the social and solidarity economy. This training allows us to achieve fiscal, labor, and legal specialization in the cooperative model and certifies that we know, work with, and are networked with the cooperative movement and public administrations.
Forest Schools | An educational project that promotes environmental awareness in children
Inspired by the European movement for nature education, forest schools advocate a pedagogical project working to promote the foundations of an outdoor pedagogical proposal. An innovative model of regulated education for students aged 3 to 6, offering the opportunity to transfer the classroom to the forest so that children can learn in direct contact with nature and the environment.
Legislative news
New Veri*Factu Regulation
Royal Decree 1007/2023: Approval of the Regulation that establishes the requirements to be adopted by the computer or electronic systems and programmes that support the invoicing processes of entrepreneurs and professionals, and the standardisation of invoicing record formats.