At Grup Carles, we accompany and advise cooperative and social and solidarity economy projects

Social and Solidarity Economy
WRITTEN BY Lídia Dalmases i Junyent
18 May, 2022 — 5 min
 At Grup Carles, we accompany and advise cooperative and social and solidarity economy projects

Recently at Grup Carles, we renewed the Seal Aquí Assessorem l’Economia Social (Here We Advise the Social Economy), which certifies that we have undergone specific training in the social and solidarity economy. This training allows us to achieve fiscal, labor, and legal specialization in the cooperative model and certifies that we know, work with, and are networked with the cooperative movement and public administrations.

With the certainty that through cooperativism and the good practices of each project, we strengthen the social and economic fabric of the region, Grup Carles, in conjunction with the Ateneu Cooperatiu de la Catalunya Central, the Ateneu Cooperatiu de l'Alt Penedès i Garraf, and the Consell Comarcal de l'Anoia, promotes these initiatives and helps to make them possible by accompanying and advising social and solidarity economy projects to create employment in the territory with a markedly social vocation.

We understand that supporting projects is key to their consolidation. In this line, we offer personalized support tailored to the needs of the entrepreneurial team or organization to assist them in:

  • Identifying the legal form of the social economy. Each organization is unique, and it's important to know that there are different types of cooperatives and legal specifications for each, so each case must be studied to choose the most suitable formula.
  • The constitution of social economy companies. The constitution of a cooperative is simple, but there are technical issues that require expertise and technical knowledge.
  • Consolidation and growth. To transform in the long term and create quality employment, we need strong and sustainable organizations. Once established, we continue to support you in achieving this.solir-ho. 
  • Establishment of territorial networks. We collaborate with different entities in the territory.
  • Referral to resources for businesses.There are technical and financial resources that you can use to develop your initiative. We can inform you about them.

The cooperative is also a very good formula for rethinking or continuing a project formed by self-employed individuals or other business formulas such as limited companies, SCP, or associations, because not everything is created from scratch. Also, in the case of companies at risk of closure due to retirement, for example, we accompany and help them to realize their project.

Thus, cooperativism is a way of creating employment in the territory with a social vocation. In fact, it has a direct link with sixty-nine of the goals set by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Therefore, the commitment and strengthening of a sector like the cooperative becomes an essential aspect for the sustainable transformation of global agendas.

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