We accompany you to grow your project.

Together we achieve goals.
What is yours today?
Together we achieve goals.
What is yours today?
We are a family made up of 6 companies, more than 100 professionals and a long list of clients and collaborators. Together we strive for personal and business progress.
We are specialists and multidisciplinary. To serve your project from technical knowledge, and with a global perspective.
We accompany you to grow your project.
We are by your side in the day-to-day running of your business.
We envision your idea with a sustainable perspective.
We defend your safety and peace of mind.
We contribute to the transformation of the environment.
Each project is unique. That is why we have put the knowledge of five decades of experience into the design of tailor-made solutions for each case and each need.
Founder-Director of the NGO Open Arms
The complexity of the management of our organization made it essential to outsource management services, legal assistance and people management. With Grup Carles we have found the ideal partner that gives us the desired professionalism and confidence and allows us to dedicate ourselves fully to our activity, which is lifesaving, to safeguard people's lives.
Manager of Iberspa, S.L.
We have been working with Grup Carles for many years, and they provide us with support in many areas of the company. We are very satisfied with their services. They have a personalized approach and a strong client orientation. They also have an engineering department capable of managing industrial projects. In short, they are a great partner for PIMES.
General Director Grup Hospital Veterinari de Catalunya
Over the years, Grup Carles has become a strategic partner for the Hospital Veterinari de Catalunya. The comprehensive nature of their consultancy and the proximity of their professionals have been key to the continuous improvement pursued by our organization.
Administrator of Hotel Robert, S.L.
Very satisfied with the entire team at Grup Carles for their dedication, knowledge, and ongoing support. I have been relying on you for years, and I will continue to use your services for my future fiscal, accounting, legal, and real estate needs. You are a great team!
Financial Director of Carns Romeu.
For us, the most valuable aspect of Grup Carles is the quality of their service. It's provided by an outstanding team of professionals and covers a wide spectrum of the needs we may have.
Founder of Pro-Activa Serveis Aquàtics, S.L.
The complexity of the management of our organization made it essential to outsource management services, legal assistance and people management. With Grup Carles we have found the ideal partner that gives us the desired professionalism and confidence and allows us to dedicate ourselves fully to our activity, that of lifeguarding, to safeguard people's lives.
Independent professional
The whole team is customer and result oriented, excellent service!
Lorem Ipsum es simplemente el texto de relleno de las imprentas y archivos de texto. Lorem Ipsum ha sido el texto de relleno estándar de las industrias desde el año 1500, cuando un impresor (N. del T. persona que se dedica a la imprenta)