Núria Pou i Serrat

Tax advisor and accountant
Núria Pou i Serrat

The tax and accounting advisor Núria Pou i Serrat is a professional with a broad trajectory in the field of accounting. She stands out for her comprehensive vision and multidisciplinary knowledge, enabling her to offer expert advice in taxation and accounting.

With her wide view of business and up-to-date knowledge, she is capable of identifying emerging trends that may impact the fiscal and accounting needs of companies. This allows her to offer proactive advice adapted to market changes, ensuring that her clients are prepared to face future challenges.

As part of the Grup Carles Vic team, she values trust as a key element in her relationship with clients and establishes clear and transparent communication with them. This allows her to deeply understand their needs and objectives in order to offer a strategic and efficient service.

As she herself emphasizes:

"We accompany our clients on the path towards their business progress."




We are by your side in the day-to-day running of your business.

Management | We are by your side in the day-to-day running of your business.