Experience, talent, and a vocation for serving change.

Sustainability has ceased to be an external element that imposes costs on organizations. It has become a driving opportunity for economic growth.

In this context of a global paradigm shift, at Grup Carles Sustainability, we are experts in business, we understand environmental risks, and we have analyzed social demands. This triangle will increasingly shape the future of any organization.

Integrating sustainability into the business strategy of organizations becomes a key aspect to mitigate risks and align with opportunities management.

Organizations that incorporate sustainability strategy earlier will enjoy competitive advantages and ensure their continuity.

Sustainability is here to stay, not as an additional cost associated with economic activity, but as a lever for change and economic development. At Grup Carles Sustainability, we know how to accompany you in this journey.

How do we do it?

Changes bring challenges, and challenges are navigated and achieved better through collaboration. We bring our experience and knowledge and add a dose of talent and dedication to offer the best solutions tailored to each project.

Our multidisciplinary team allows us to approach each case with expertise from various fields, so you feel supported and present throughout the process.


We listen to you and accompany you in the strategic diagnosis of corporate sustainability, identifying risks and opportunities from a multidisciplinary perspective.


We shape the plan we've jointly studied, paying attention to every detail and designing strategies and solutions that are tailored and focused on sustainable growth.


We materialize the challenge and implement solutions effectively with an outward-facing perspective.

Sustainability services

In an ever-evolving environment, organizations that adapt their systems earlier will enjoy competitive advantages and ensure their continuity.

Services we offer

Environmental consulting

We work to ensure compliance with environmental regulations, understanding, preventing, and reducing environmental impacts, risks, and responsibilities, with the goal of achieving an improvement in the sustainability of processes and products.

We offer personalized advice in the day-to-day operations of your organization and respond to regulatory requirements established at the local, regional, and national levels.

  • Environmental advice.
  • Environmental authorizations and licenses.
  • Environmental procedures.
  • Compliance with legal requirements.
  • Environmental Due Diligence of transactions and purchases.
  • ISO 9001, 14001, 50001.

Environmental impact

We prepare technical studies of environmental impact that ensure the utmost respect for environmental and human factors in the execution of projects for public and private works, industrial or tourist facilities, territorial and urban planning, among others.

  • Environmental impact assessment of productive activities.
  • Environmental Impact Assessment of Projects (EIA).
  • Urban Environmental Impact Assessment (AIA).
  • Landscape Impact and Integration Study (EIIP).

Climate change management

We offer specialised services in climate change mitigation and adaptation. Planning means understanding one's own climate impact, agreeing on the limits of corporate ambition related to the climate, and devising a solid and well-founded action strategy. It is essential to calculate the total greenhouse gas emissions as the first step in the strategy.

  • CO2 Footprint.
  • Emission Reduction Plan.
  • CO2 Price.
  • CO2 Offsetting.
  • Decarbonisation Strategy.
  • Net Zero.

Product sustainability

We assess the environmental impacts of products. Using data modelling software and inventories, we assist you in making sustainable decisions regarding the entire value chain and your customers.

Aware of the importance of values in products and services, we have a team of experts in sustainability communication tools, which takes into account continuous, sincere, respectful, and responsible dialogue with the environment.

  • Life Cycle Analysis (ACV).
  • Environmental Product Declarations (DAP).
  • Environmental Improvement of the Product Value Chain.
  • Ecodesign of Products.
  • Ecolabelling.
  • Product Positioning and Certifications.

Corporate Sustainability

We develop strategies tailored to the needs of each client based on assessments aimed at prioritizing issues, identifying risks, highlighting opportunities, and verifying business viability (business case). We assist in defining the strategic vision, objectives, and laying the groundwork for successful implementation.

We define the content of your project's communication strategy, orienting it towards sustainability, considering the best way to convey and direct it. Having a communication strategy that determines how we communicate and what content we expose is essential.

  • Sustainability diagnosis.
  • Materiality analysis.
  • Identification of risks and opportunities.
  • Sustainability action plans.
  • Identification of Climate Change risks and opportunities.
  • Sustainability and ESG communication plans.
  • Sustainability report.
  • Elaboration of sustainability indexes and ratings.
  • Design of indicators and scorecards for management (KPI).

Related projects

Contributing to the Sustainable Expansion of Thermoformed Sheet Manufacturing Facilities in Sant Celoni.

We have carried out the project for Substantial Modification and Environmental Impact Study for the expansion of the thermoformed sheet manufacturing facilities located in Sant Celoni.
Contributing to the Sustainable Expansion of Thermoformed Sheet Manufacturing Facilities in Sant Celoni.

Analyzing Sustainability in the Metallurgical Sector.

Life Cycle Analysis of various products from a metallurgical company.
Analyzing Sustainability in the Metallurgical Sector.

Life Cycle Analysis for the Comparison of Two Types of Packaging in the Pharmaceutical Industry, for Their Replacement in the International Market.

We have assisted the company in improving innovation and eco-design, with the aim of determining their environmental impacts.
Life Cycle Analysis for the Comparison of Two Types of Packaging in the Pharmaceutical Industry, for Their Replacement in the International Market.

We contribute to the sustainable modernization of the controlled special waste landfill in Castellolí

We have carried out the project for Substantial Modification and Environmental Impact Study of the modification of the controlled special waste landfill located in Castellolí.
We contribute to the sustainable modernization of the controlled special waste landfill in Castellolí

Towards More Efficient Waste Management in Pont de Vilomara

We have made a substantial modification with an Environmental Impact Study of the Environmental Authorization for the expansion of the waste treatment facilities located in Pont de Vilomara, to update the data of the productive activity of fridge treatment and other refrigeration equipment.
Towards More Efficient Waste Management in Pont de Vilomara

Assisting Our Clients in Their Commitment to a More Sustainable Future: Life Cycle Analysis.

We have conducted the Life Cycle Analysis using GABI software for 8 product references from the civil engineering division and certification of the Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) by the International EPD® System.
Assisting Our Clients in Their Commitment to a More Sustainable Future: Life Cycle Analysis.

Featured Products



We contribute to the transformation of the environment towards a sustainable, collaborative, and shared model by providing innovative solutions.
  • Environmental consultancy
  • Environmental impact
  • Climate change management
  • Product sustainability
  • Corporate sustainability

RAACPUR | Biological treatment plants for livestock manure.

We manage, design, and build automated plants for more efficient and sustainable livestock operations. ★★★★★ | FIGAN 2019 | Technical Improvement
  • Yields certified by official bodies
  • Cost reduction
  • Comprehensive support
  • Easy maintenance
  • Subsidised investment

Sustainability team

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