We progress together
Discover how we work for personal and business progress in the real world, with our clients and collaborators.
Contributing to the Sustainable Expansion of Thermoformed Sheet Manufacturing Facilities in Sant Celoni.
We have carried out the project for Substantial Modification and Environmental Impact Study for the expansion of the thermoformed sheet manufacturing facilities located in Sant Celoni.

We contribute to the sustainable modernization of the controlled special waste landfill in Castellolí
We have carried out the project for Substantial Modification and Environmental Impact Study of the modification of the controlled special waste landfill located in Castellolí.

Towards More Efficient Waste Management in Pont de Vilomara
We have made a substantial modification with an Environmental Impact Study of the Environmental Authorization for the expansion of the waste treatment facilities located in Pont de Vilomara, to update the data of the productive activity of fridge treatment and other refrigeration equipment.