We accompany you in your Social and Solidarity project. 

We offer multidisciplinary professional support tailored to your project, according to its stage, from inception to consolidation and growth.

01 Starting a cooperative, association, or foundation.

  • New project or cooperative succession as an alternative to business closure.
  • We get to know the initiative's driving team.
  • We study the idea.
  • We analyze economic viability and legal form.
  • We formalize the constitution.
  • We provide information on available technical and financial resources.

02 Consolidating the entity

  • We provide you with advice in fiscal, accounting, labor, and legal matters.
  • We are certified with the "Here we advise the Social Economy".
  • We receive continuous training on Social and Cooperative Economy.
  • We are committed to promoting the cooperative model.

03 Support for growth and investment.

  • Industrial engineering, civil construction, and facility projects.
  • Energy efficiency.
  • Renewable energy projects and installations.
  • Human Resources (HR) management and selection consulting.
  • Promotion and marketing of cooperative housing.

04 Support for Corporate Social Responsibility.

  • Diagnosis, planning, and implementation of RSC.
  • Consulting in corporate sustainability and circular economy.
  • Equality plans, training, work environment, health, and well-being.
  • Compliance of prevention of criminal offenses.
  • Ethical codes and good governance.

05 Experience in various social and cooperative fields.

  • Agricultural and livestock cooperatives.
  • Industrial cooperatives.
  • Service cooperatives.
  • Special work centers.
  • Housing cooperatives.
  • Associations and foundations.
  • Energy communities.

Support for transformation or succession. Not everything is created from scratch.

Cooperatives have demonstrated a remarkable capacity for resilience and adaptation in scenarios of strong economic contraction, far superior to classical commercial societies. The Cooperative is a very good formula for rethinking or giving continuity to a project formed by independent individuals using other business structures, or in the case of companies at risk of closure due to retirement, for example.

Contact us, and we will inform you about all the possibilities at your disposal!


Here, we advise on the Social Economy.

Continuous training in social and solidarity economy provides us with the tax, accounting, labor, and legal knowledge of the cooperative model and certifies that we have, know, and work in coordination with the cooperative movement and public administrations.

W 1

In collaboration with

  • Ateneu Cooperatiu of Central Catalunya
  • Ateneu Cooperatiu of Alt Penedès i Garraf
  • Consell Comarcal of Anoia
Logos Coop

What do we offer you?

Here, we advise on the Social Economy.

Comprehensive Service

We work cross-functionally and in a coordinated manner to provide you with the solutions you need.

Expert Guidance

Our professionals will advise you in a close and ongoing manner.


We are qualified with the "Here we advise Social Economy"

Multidisciplinary Team

We keep our training updated on social and cooperative economics


Free Online Management Softwar e-gestio.com.

We network

We help you network

Opinions from our customers

A first-rate professional and human team always by the side of the needs of our company.

"We have always entrusted the tax and accounting management of our association to Grup Carles, as a leading consultancy in our region, but also for their proximity and human quality. We are very satisfied, and they have also shown great interest in our sector by collaborating in many of the events we organize throughout the year."

Our offices



Ronda General Mitre, 126 6
08021 Barcelona



Sant Ferran, 45
08700 Igualada



C. del Pilar, 12
08786 Capellades



Arquebisbe Alemany, 33 entl. B
08500 Vic

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Labour Management for Saving Human Lives.

Implementing Equality Plans as an Opportunity to Promote Improvements in Companies

The project consisted of advising the company on implementing measures to improve the creation of equitable professional environments, where equality of opportunity between women and men was a reality. The goal was to help the company establish non-discrimination policies and promote gender equality in all its areas.
Implementing Equality Plans as an Opportunity to Promote Improvements in Companies

Featured Products

Integral Subscription

Integral Subscription

So that you can fully focus on your company. We handle the rest.
  • Expert and continuous guidance.
  • Tailored to your needs.
  • Free online management software.
  • No surprises.


Our online management software. Manage your business from the cloud, from any device, time, and location. Easy. Secure. And free for our clients.
  • Free
  • 24x7 Service
  • Employee Portal
Labour outsourcing

Labour outsourcing

You will be able to spend more time to efficiently managing your teams and enhancing the strategic and productive functions of your company.
  • Improved productivity
  • Cost reduction
  • Expert advice

RAACPUR | Biological treatment plants for livestock manure.

We manage, design, and build automated plants for more efficient and sustainable livestock operations. ★★★★★ | FIGAN 2019 | Technical Improvement
  • Yields certified by official bodies
  • Cost reduction
  • Comprehensive support
  • Easy maintenance
  • Subsidised investment

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