Implementing Equality Plans as an Opportunity to Promote Improvements in Companies

The Challenge
In 2019, the administration pushed measures intended to guarantee equal treatment and opportunities between women and men in organizations. It became mandatory for companies with 50 or more employees to have an equality plan, but many lacked sufficient resources to develop it with guarantees.
The case of Pro-Activa Serveis Aquàtics, S.L. is an example of this situation. Our challenge is to help companies like this overcome barriers and implement effective equality policies that improve their situation.
We help companies implement effective equality policies that improve the situation of the people who work there, offering a cpstumised support.
The Solution
Providing advisory services to the company for the development of the equality plan to promote gender equality policies in accordance with the guidelines set by the Administration.
Our intervention was fully personalized to adjust to the needs and particularities of our client.
Through the establishment of the negotiating committee and the development of a gender equality diagnosis in the company, we established an action plan to achieve the objectives set for the next 4 years, focusing on the following key areas:
- Awareness of gender equality and opportunities for the entire work team.
- Internal and external communication with inclusive language.
- Development of a protocol for action and prevention of sexual harassment or harassment based on sex, adapted to the characteristics and uniqueness of the company.
Through this action plan, the commitment to promote gender equality in the organization was established, guaranteeing a safe and respectful work environment for everyone.