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15 resultsNews and articles
How life cycle analysis can improve competitiveness and business transparency
In the current situation, where sustainability has been consolidated as an essential pillar, life cycle analysis emerges as an indispensable tool for all industries, especially those linked to construction and the manufacture of materials.
Important Changes to IRPF for Rentals Starting in 2024
Recent changes in tax deductions for housing rentals in the personal income tax (IRPF), effective with the new Housing Law 12/2023 from January 1, 2024, are detailed below:
The Importance of Proper Planning for Family Business Succession
Early planning for the generational succession of a family business is essential for achieving tax optimization and significant tax savings when inheriting shares of a family business or receiving them through donation.
Sustainability as a fundamental pillar for business success
The current global scenario, with accelerated climate change, the energy crisis, and extreme weather phenomena, makes sustainability in businesses a crucial element to ensure a sustainable and prosperous future. Additionally, the demands of the markets in terms of quality and service, as well as economic and business restrictions, highlight the need for a paradigm shift in business. This transformation requires leaders with a cross-functional profile who can effectively respond to these challenges while ensuring the continuity and success of the company.
Operating in Financial Markets: What should be considered?
Nowadays, operating in financial markets is accessible to everyone. Whether through the bank or simply by registering with an online broker, one can have an account open in just a few minutes. As a result, more and more people are entering this world to earn extraordinary income. But, is everyone prepared to operate in the markets?
Forest Schools | An educational project that promotes environmental awareness in children
Inspired by the European movement for nature education, forest schools advocate a pedagogical project working to promote the foundations of an outdoor pedagogical proposal. An innovative model of regulated education for students aged 3 to 6, offering the opportunity to transfer the classroom to the forest so that children can learn in direct contact with nature and the environment.
Grup Carles and Fundació Àuria sign a collaboration agreement to boost entrepreneurship in the region
The collaboration between the two entities is born with a spirit of cooperation to activate labour inclusion in a context of crisis.
The Self-Employment Program promotes entrepreneurship projects through the Specialized Insertion Service.
Grup Carles obtains Carbon Footprint seal
Grup Carles, as a company committed to sustainability, is registered in the Carbon Footprint, Compensation, and CO2 Absorption Projects Registry of the Ministeri per a la Transició Ecològica i el Repte Demogràfic. We are proud to announce that in January, we obtained the Carbon Footprint Calculation Seal. This is a first step towards continuing our sustainability strategy through the implementation of actions to mitigate climate change.
Legislative news
All interns will pay contributions as of 2024
Starting January 1, 2024, all companies will be required to register interns with Social Security, regardless of whether they are engaged in paid internships or not.