Grup Carles and Fundació Àuria sign a collaboration agreement to boost entrepreneurship in the region
Corporate social responsibility
The collaboration between the two entities is born with a spirit of cooperation to activate labour inclusion in a context of crisis.
The Self-Employment Program promotes entrepreneurship projects through the Specialized Insertion Service.
This week, Àuria Fundació and Grup Carles have signed a collaboration agreement to support the new project of the Specialized Insertion Service (SIE), the Self-Employment Point. The directors of both entities, Francesc Xavier Carles and Marta Mateu, formalized the signature with a clear intention to accompany people who want to start an entrepreneurship project.
Thanks to the agreement, Grup Carles will advise entrepreneurs on tax, accounting, and legal matters in the development phase with significant advantages. Àuria Fundació is satisfied with the agreement with a consolidated group of companies with a long history and expertise in the territory.
About the PAI, Self-Employment Programa
The Self-Employment Program - initiated in January - is part of the Incorpora Program of the Fundació LaCaixa and aims to improve the employability of people with entrepreneurial interests based on a business idea. And it is in this initial phase, where the technical team of the Fundació accompanies the people. Ideas, project definition, viability plan, necessary procedures, or access to subsidies. But in addition, thanks to the Incorpora and MicroBank agreement, they can obtain microcredits to start or consolidate the project.
The PAI is part of the Insertion Service which, with a trajectory of more than a decade in the field of socio-labor insertion, responds to the needs of different groups of people and accompanies them in the job search process. Over these eleven years, more than 1,300 people have been attended, and collaboration with more than 200 companies has been established, formalizing more than 1,000 labour contracts to achieve a right, equality of opportunities.