Grup Carles obtains Carbon Footprint seal
Corporate social responsibility
Grup Carles, as a company committed to sustainability, is registered in the Carbon Footprint, Compensation, and CO2 Absorption Projects Registry of the Ministeri per a la Transició Ecològica i el Repte Demogràfic. We are proud to announce that in January, we obtained the Carbon Footprint Calculation Seal. This is a first step towards continuing our sustainability strategy through the implementation of actions to mitigate climate change.
The project has been designed and executed from Grup Carles Engineering and Sustainability, accompanying the Registry with a reduction plan that will be reviewed periodically with the objective of verifying the progressive reduction and introducing compensation mechanisms that will lead to the achievement of carbon neutrality in the organization's direct activities.
What is the Carbon Footprint Registry?
It is a completely voluntary registry that records the efforts of Spanish companies in calculating, reducing, and compensating for greenhouse gas emissions generated by their activity.
All footprints must mandatorily have a reduction plan that will be reviewed by the Ministry. A company has reduced its footprint when it meets a strict criterion that demonstrates a decreasing trend in emissions.
The calculation of the carbon footprint establishes a quantifiable starting point towards the implementation of a sustainability strategy that aligns organizations towards mitigating the negative effects derived from the climate crisis.
Grup Carles Engineering and Sustainability works on Calculating and Reducing the Carbon Footprint within the advisory services in Sustainability Strategy processes for organizations.