We contribute to the sustainable modernization of the controlled special waste landfill in Castellolí

Activities classified in Annex I of Law 20/2009 require environmental authorization. In cases where the activity undergoes certain modifications affecting the environment, a modification project must be processed, which, depending on the company's characteristics, must also include an environmental impact study. These projects analyze how the activity affects the different environmental vectors that define the environment, such as the atmosphere, resources used, waste, noise and light pollution... In addition, it is checked that everything defining the activity complies with the current environmental legislation regarding emissions to the atmosphere, water, waste management, etc.
The modernization of the controlled special waste landfill in Castellolí is an important step towards more responsible and efficient waste management.
The Challenge
Every industrial activity evolves and, therefore, undergoes changes in its operation. These changes must always be updated in the environmental authorizations, as periodically integrated environmental inspections are carried out where all the data defining the activity are controlled. Having the environmental authorization updated and with periodic inspections done is a mandatory requirement. Similarly, in carrying out the projects, aspects to be improved, control procedures, among others, are identified, which can help the company to have better control of everything that affects the environment, making them more efficient and competitive. The points identified and improved in these projects can also serve to achieve certifications such as ISO 14001.
The Solution
We assist our clients in organizing all their data affecting the environment, ensuring that each complies with the applicable regulations. We accompany them throughout the process of preparation, presentation, and resolution of these modifications of environmental authorizations.