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The year 2023 will begin with the most profound reform in the history of the self-employed social security contribution system
As of January 1st, 2023, all self-employed groups (RETA) will start contributing to a new system based on profits (real income).
A chant that year after year sounded like a claim, this year comes into force.

New hiring incentives
This past January, Royal Decree Law 1/2023 was published, establishing a significant number of bonuses aimed at promoting the hiring of certain profiles, such as people with disabilities, victims of gender violence or human trafficking, people at risk of social exclusion, long-term unemployed or victims of terrorism, as well as young people under 30 years old who are beneficiaries of the National Youth Guarantee System.

The declaration of the year, almost back to normal
We are entering, as every year, the campaign for the income tax declaration. This campaign to settle our fiscal obligations regarding income and assets for the 2022 financial year began last April 11. There are no changes in the deadline for submitting declarations, which will conclude on June 30 (if the result is to be paid with bank domiciliation, the last day will be June 27).

At Grup Carles, we accompany and advise cooperative and social and solidarity economy projects
Recently at Grup Carles, we renewed the Seal Aquí Assessorem l’Economia Social (Here We Advise the Social Economy), which certifies that we have undergone specific training in the social and solidarity economy. This training allows us to achieve fiscal, labor, and legal specialization in the cooperative model and certifies that we know, work with, and are networked with the cooperative movement and public administrations.

DANA: Labour measures for "DANA" damage approved - RDL 6/2024

Announced the IRPF/IVA Modules Project for 2024
We are pleased to inform you that the Ministry of Finance and Public Function has published the text of the project Order that will develop, for the upcoming year 2024, the objective estimation method for the Personal Income Tax (IRPF) and the simplified special regime for the Value Added Tax (IVA), known as the "Ordre de Mòduls".

Management Control
Surely we have all recently heard the expression that information is gold. In recent years, the term Big Data has gained prominence among us, especially in the business world, as it allows, among other things, to convert the data we obtain from third parties into products or services to offer to potential clients.

The second chance mechanism: another future without debt is possible
Yes, debts are not for life; debts can be canceled, and a fresh start can be made.
The second chance has been in force since 2013 for individual entrepreneurs and since 2015 for any non-entrepreneurial individual. It may not be, from a technical point of view, and in my opinion, the best possible second chance law, but it is a law that allows for the exoneration of debts, and that is what is important. The law must be useful and functional, and for this reason, it must be utilized so that thousands of over-indebted, insolvent individuals can achieve the exoneration of their debts and start again as active members of society.