Announced the IRPF/IVA Modules Project for 2024

WRITTEN BY Òscar Llordés i Baliu
05 Dec, 2023 — 3 min
Announced the IRPF/IVA Modules Project for 2024

We are pleased to inform you that the Ministry of Finance and Public Function has published the text of the project Order that will develop, for the upcoming year 2024, the objective estimation method for the Personal Income Tax (IRPF) and the simplified special regime for the Value Added Tax (IVA), known as the " Ordre de Mòduls".

This project maintains the structure of Order HFP/1172/2022, of November 29, which regulates these aspects for the year 2023. One of the significant news is the intention of the Ministry of Finance to maintain, for 2024, the same income limits for the self-employed who pay taxes under the IRPF/IVA modules regime that were established for 2023.

The income limits for the year 2024 will be as follows:

Concept (1)Year 2023As of 2024
Total sales250.000250.000
Sales to businesses125.000125.000
Purchases (non-assets)250.000250.000

(1) Volume of operations carried out the previous year.

Regarding the content of the Modules Order for 2024, we highlight the following points:

Objective Estimation of IRPF:

  1. The amount of the signs, indices, or modules, as well as the application instructions, are maintained for the 2024 exercise
  2. The general reduction percentage of the net income of modules will be 5%, compared to 10% in 2023.
  3. Specific reductions of the net income indices are applied to certain agricultural activities.
  4. Exceptional measures are established for agricultural and livestock activities, allowing the reduction of net income in specific cases.

Simplified VAT Regime:

  1. The modules and instructions for their application in the simplified special regime for VAT for 2024 are maintained.
  2. Reduction of the percentage for the calculation of the reported quota for current operations in the simplified VAT regime for some livestock activities affected by sectoral crises.
  3. Additional reductions in the municipality of Lorca both for net income and the reported quota for current operations.

Renunciation: Taxpayers under the modules regime who consider making a calculation of net income under direct estimation and, if more convenient, renounce the modules, are advised. The importance of ensuring compliance with the excluding limits in 2023 to avoid moving to direct estimation in 2024 is highlighted.

In case of renunciation, a census declaration can be presented before January 2, 2024, or exercise tacit renunciation by presenting VAT for the first quarter of 2024 in the general regime (form 303) and the fractional payment of IRPF in direct estimation regime (form 130). This decision can be crucial to optimize taxation and ensure more efficient financial management.