Diligent defense in a supplementary Inheritance Tax settlement.
Asset management
We have defended a case involving a supplementary settlement of the Inheritance Tax. Our client was the beneficiary of a specific family proposal not directly related to the deceased, for which the Tax Agency did not accept the applied tax benefits.
Comprehensive knowledge of the subject matter is essential to successfully defend the interests of our clients.
The Challenge
The main challenge we faced was to prove that our client had the right to benefit from tax reductions, even though she was not a direct family member of the deceased, as allowed by the law in some cases of inheritances in favor of descendants. The Tax Agency argued that our client did not meet the necessary requirements and demanded a significant sum of money from her.
The Solution
We proposed a legal strategy based on the comprehensive application of current legislation and the detailed collection of evidence to prove that our client met the requirements to qualify for tax reductions. We presented a strong and well-documented defense before the Tax Agency, which resulted in the revocation of the supplementary settlement. As a result, our client was able to maintain the original settlement without having to pay additional amounts.