Eulàlia Closa i Ballús

Director of Grup Carles Advocats (Lawyers).
Eulàlia Closa i Ballús

Attorney Eulàlia Closa i Ballús is a professional with a solid academic background in law and a consolidated career. Practicing law since 1999, her professional orientation is primarily directed towards the fields of civil law, and particularly, inheritance law.

With an innate vocation for the legal world, she obtained her law degree from the University of Barcelona, demonstrating a firm commitment to her professional growth with her supplementary training, both in the field of civil law and in fiscal and tax law.

With extensive experience and notable professional dedication, Eulàlia stands out for her direct and personalized approach with clients, establishing a relationship of trust for their peace of mind, offering competent and efficient advice, with a deep understanding of their legal needs.

As she emphasizes:

"Knowing how to listen is essential to understand the situations of those around us and also of our clients."




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Eulàlia Closa i Ballús articles

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Banking, consumers and the European Court

Eulàlia Closa i Ballús
Eulàlia Closa i Ballús
Director of Grup Carles Advocats (Lawyers).
Legal and labor consultancy
12 Feb, 2024 — 3 min
Banking, consumers and the European Court