AI: ally or enemy?

Artificial intelligence
WRITTEN BY Núria Martin i Hidalgo
05 Jul, 2023 — 5 min
AI: ally or enemy?

In recent times, the application of artificial intelligence has been a true revolution in the world of sales. As the Commercial Director of a company like Grup Carles, I have had the opportunity to witness this evolution up close and understand the impact it has had on our sector. I would like to share how artificial intelligence has changed the sales process and how it can improve productivity and commercial results.

The implementation of artificial intelligence has marked a turning point in sales, as it has allowed companies to use predictive solutions to optimize the sales process. Likewise, data analysis has provided a deeper insight into customer behavior, identifying patterns and trends, helping to personalize sales strategies and better understand customer needs, for me a key factor in customer loyalty and satisfaction.

Another area where artificial intelligence has had a positive impact is in the automation of repetitive and tedious tasks. These technologies can take care of tasks such as data entry, scheduling meetings, and sending follow-ups to clients, allowing sales representatives to focus on improving the quality of customer relationships.

This focus on customer loyalty and satisfaction has allowed us to build lasting relationships and increase trust, which ultimately translates into greater commercial success.

We need to change the usual sales strategy. Instead of investing 80% of the time in action (traveling, knocking on doors, trying to bypass the filters of company switchboards...) and 20% in thinking, let's flip the omelet and think 80% of the time, analyze what clients need, how we can bring them benefits, security, peace of mind... and the rest of the time, we will execute this strategic plan personalized for our client.

In summary, artificial intelligence has transformed the way companies sell in the B2B sector, allowing for better segmentation and personalization of sales messages, enabling them to compete more effectively in an increasingly competitive and dynamic market.

These new tools are causing diverse opinions among people. There are those who agree, those who are not clear, and even those who reject them. What is clear is that this can only go up, and it is doing so at a vertiginous speed. If we don't want to be left behind, we better take advantage of it.

Personally, I have started training in this field and have much to learn, I am excited to see how it will continue to transform the world of sales in the future.

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