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Cryptocurrency taxation
Cryptocurrency Taxation. In recent years, investment in cryptocurrencies has gained popularity among investors. Well-known coins such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Xrp, or Dogecoin have shifted from being an unknown aspect of society to being assets for both small and large investments with the objective of being able to get a return on investment.

How are Christmas lottery prizes taxed?
Every year on December 22nd, the Christmas lottery is celebrated, which is subject to personal income tax (IRPF) at a fixed rate of 20%. This same tax rate is applied to prizes from the ONCE, the Red Cross, and certain regional lotteries.

Announced the IRPF/IVA Modules Project for 2024
We are pleased to inform you that the Ministry of Finance and Public Function has published the text of the project Order that will develop, for the upcoming year 2024, the objective estimation method for the Personal Income Tax (IRPF) and the simplified special regime for the Value Added Tax (IVA), known as the "Ordre de Mòduls".

The Importance of Proper Planning for Family Business Succession
Early planning for the generational succession of a family business is essential for achieving tax optimization and significant tax savings when inheriting shares of a family business or receiving them through donation.

DANA: Damage tax measures approved - RDL 6/2024
On 6 November 2024, Royal Decree Law 6/2024 was published in the BOE with effect from 7 November 2024. This regulation introduces several fiscal measures aimed at municipalities affected by the DANA between 28 October and 4 November 2024. In this article, we will detail the most relevant tax measures and analyse how they influence taxpayers, companies and specific sectors.

Tax liabilities February - March 2024
We would like to remind you of your tax obligations for the months of February - March 2024.
Until 12 February
INTRASTAT- Intra-Community Trade Statistics
- January 2024. Obliged to provide statistical information
Until 20 February
Income and companies
Withholdings and payments in advance of income from work, economic activities, prizes and certain capital gains and imputations of income, gains derived from shares and holdings in collective investment institutions, income from the rental of urban property, movable capital, authorised persons and balances in accounts.
- January 2024. Large companies: 111, 115, 117, 123, 124, 126, 128, 216, 230
Tax identification number
- Fourth quarter 2023. Quarterly return of accounts and transactions for holders whose tax number has not been provided to credit institutions: 195.
- Annual return 2023. Identification of operations with cheques from credit institutions: 199
- January 2024. Recapitulative return on intra-Community transactions: 349
Subsidies, compensation or aid for agricultural, stockbreeding or forestry activities
- Annual return 2023: 346
Tax on insurance premiums
- January 2024: 430
Manufacturing excise duties
- November 2023. Large companies: 561, 562, 563
- January 2024: 548, 566, 581.
- Fourth quarter 2023. Except large companies: 561, 562, 563
- Declaration of transactions by registered recipients, tax representatives and authorised recipients: 510
Excise tax on electricity
- January 2024. Large enterprises: 560
Environmental taxes
- January 2024. Excise tax on non-reusable plastic packaging. Self-assessment: 592
- Year 2023. Tax on the value of electricity production. Fourth instalment payment: 583
Tax on financial transactions
- January 2024: 604
Temporary energy levy
- Advance payment 2024: 796
Temporary levy on credit institutions and financial credit establishments
- Advance payment 2024: 798
Until 29 February
- January 2024. Self-assessment: 303
- January 2024. Group of entities, individual form: 322
- January 2024. Group of entities, aggregate form: 353
- January 2024. Single window - Import Regime: 369
- January 2024. Transactions assimilated to imports: 380
Corporate income tax
- Entities whose tax year coincides with the calendar year: option/waiver of the option to calculate the instalments on the part of the tax base for the three, new or eleven months of each calendar year: 036.
- If the tax period does not coincide with the calendar year, the option/waiver for this type of instalment payment shall be exercised within the first two months of each tax period or between the start of this tax period and the end of the deadline for making the first instalment payment, if this period is less than two months: 036.
Environmental taxes
- January 2024. Excise tax on non-reusable plastic packaging. Presentation of accounts and stock record book
Annual declaration of electricity consumption
- Year 2023: 159
Annual information return on transactions carried out by business people or professionals adhering to the system for managing payments by credit or debit cards.
- Year 2023: 170
Annual informative return on long-term savings plans
- Year 2023: 280
Annual tax return on transactions with third parties
- Year 2023: 347
Self-assessment of the contribution to be made by the lenders of the television audiovisual communication service and by the lenders of the video exchange service through a platform with a national geographic scope or greater than that of an autonomous community.
- Year 2023: 792
Until 12 March
INTRASTAT- Intra-Community Trade Statistics
- February 2024. Obliged to provide statistical information
Until 20 March
Income and companies
Withholdings and payments in advance of income from work, economic activities, prizes and certain capital gains and imputations of income, gains derived from shares and holdings in collective investment institutions, income from the rental of urban property, movable capital, authorised persons and balances in accounts.
- February 2024. Large companies: 111, 115, 117, 123, 124, 126, 128, 216, 230
- February 2024. Recapitulative declaration of intra-Community transactions: 349.
Tax on insurance premiums
- February 2024: 430
Manufacturing excise duties
- December 2023. Large companies: 561, 562, 563
- February 2024: 548, 566, 581
- Declaration of transactions by registered recipients, tax representatives and authorised recipients: 510
Excise tax on electricity
- February 2024. Large enterprises: 560
Environmental taxes
- February 2024. Excise tax on non-reusable plastic packaging. Self-assessment: 592
Excise tax on financial transactions
- February 2024: 604
Until 31 March
- February 2024. One-stop shop - import regime: 369

Personal income tax deduction reduced to 50% for new rental contracts from 2024 onwards.
The recent Housing Law introduces personal income tax (IRPF) tax incentives for new rental contracts for primary residences, with the aim of stimulating the supply of affordable prices. These rebates, which can reach up to 90%, came into force on 1 January 2024, but are conditional on the declaration of stressed market areas by the Autonomous Communities, none of which have done so until now.

Can Christmas hampers be tax-deductible?
As Christmas approaches, it's a tradition in many companies to give out Christmas hampers or organize Christmas lunches and dinners for employees.

Legislative news
Amendments to the VAT Regulation, the Excise Duty Regulation and the Regulation on mutual agreement procedures in the field of direct taxation
Royal Decree 11/71/2023 of 27 December.
New Veri*Factu Regulation
Royal Decree 1007/2023: Approval of the Regulation that establishes the requirements to be adopted by the computer or electronic systems and programmes that support the invoicing processes of entrepreneurs and professionals, and the standardisation of invoicing record formats.