Protecting the company's liability in a workplace accident case.
Workplace accident
We have been tasked with defending a company in the food industry in a workplace accident case. Our task has been to ensure that the company's excellent work in the field of occupational risk prevention is recognized and taken into account in light of unforeseen circumstances.
We strongly defended the company's good work, demonstrating that it had taken all necessary precautions to ensure the safety of its employees.
The Challenge
The main challenge we faced was to demonstrate that the company had taken adequate measures in the field of occupational risk prevention and that the accident had been caused by the reckless behavior of the injured party, and not due to the company's negligence.
The Solution
During the evidentiary phase, we gathered and presented all the necessary documentation to demonstrate that the company had provided the necessary materials and training to its employees and that proper monitoring was in place to ensure that safety measures were being followed. Furthermore, we presented evidence that clearly showed that the accident had been caused by reckless behavior on the part of the injured party. With this strong defense, we were able to exonerate the company from all accusations.