Annual declarations in the Waste area

WRITTEN BY Òscar Milla i Castillo
23 Jan, 2024 — 3 min
Annual declarations in the Waste area

With the start of a new year and a new quarter, the period for submitting periodic environmental declarations begins.

The annual periodic declarations can be grouped into three blocks; Waste, Packaging and Emissions.

Annual declarations in the Waste area

Depending on the activity of the company and the type of waste generated and/or managed, the type of declaration to be submitted varies. The periodic declarations and their scope of application are detailed below.

  • Annual waste report:
    • Definition: chronological summary of the management of waste generated by the company.
    • Application: to all producers of industrial waste.
    • Exemption: If all waste management is carried out via the SDR platform, the report does not need to be submitted. The submission of the annual waste declaration (DARI) also qualifies for exemption.
    • Submission: via the SDR platform.
    • Deadline: 1 March.

  • Annual waste declaration (DARI):
      • Definition: document containing data on the waste produced by each waste-producing site during the period of one calendar year.
      • Application: to all industrial waste producers whose activity is included in the CAEE 2009 as: B. Extractive industries, C. Manufacturing industries, D. Supply of electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning and E. Water supply, sanitation activities.
      • Submission: via the RDS platform.
      • Deadline: 1 March.

    • Annual report of transporters:
      • Definition: document containing data on the movements of waste in which the declarant has participated during a calendar year, both within and outside Catalonia.
      • Application: to all transporters of hazardous waste.
      • Submission: via the SDR platform.
      • Deadline: 1 March.

    • Annual report of agents/traders:
      • Definition: document containing data on the movements of waste in which the declarant has participated during a calendar year, both within and outside Catalonia.
      • Application: to all agents/traders of hazardous waste.
      • Submission: via the SDR platform.
      • Deadline: 1 March.

    • Annual declaration of waste managers (DARIG):
      • Definition: document containing data on waste produced and waste managed by each waste management facility during a calendar year.
      • Application: to all industrial waste managers.
      • Submission: via the SDR platform.
      • Deadline: 1 March.

    • WEEE Annex:
      • Definition: document setting out the specific management of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE).
      • Application: to all industrial waste managers that manage WEEE waste.
      • Submission: via the SDR platform.
      • Deadline: 1 March.

    • Hazardous Waste Minimisation Study (HWMS):
      • Definition: minimisation plan including practices to be adopted to reduce the amount of hazardous waste generated and its hazardousness.
      • Application: to all hazardous waste producers generating more than 10 t/year.
      • Exemption: Hazardous waste producers generating less than 10 t/year and companies with an environmental management system with waste minimisation measures.
      • Presentation: It is not compulsory, but the company must have it drafted internally and be available to the competent authorities. The results of the analysis must be reported every 4 years via the Waste Agency's website.
      • Deadline: Every 4 years.

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