Together with research by designing pioneering hydrogen and photovoltaic research laboratories

We are working on the executive project of civil engineering and installations, the Project Management, direction, and commissioning of two research laboratories at the Diagonal-Besòs Campus of the Polytechnic University of Catalonia: the hydrogen and the photovoltaic.
This university needs to improve its facilities to carry out research in new technologies for obtaining renewable energy. With the goal of making possible the daily use of hydrogen, as foreseen by the European Commission, Grup Carles is contributing to the construction of an ambitious hydrogen laboratory, considered the most important in Catalonia, where studies will be conducted to improve energy production with highly developed technology, but with many challenges to its current application. The hydrogen predominantly used (95%) is blue hydrogen, derived from natural gas and nuclear energy, and what the UPC aims to develop is green hydrogen, generated from renewable energies, being five times more efficient than fossil fuels and easily storable.
The Challenge
The Polytechnic University of Catalonia is working resolutely to meet Europe's goal of achieving 40 thousand MW of green hydrogen. Currently, only 60 MW of this sustainable energy source is being generated. At Grup Carles, we face significant challenges in the storage and use of this key element for the future of energy. We are working on the development of sustainable technologies to obtain green hydrogen, as well as its application as fuel for various transport applications such as buses, trucks, trains, and ships. Furthermore, we are investigating how green hydrogen can be applied in other business and academic sectors, aiming to contribute to the decarbonization of the planet. We are proud to be part of this vision and are committed to overcoming technical and technological challenges to contribute to a more sustainable and clean future.
We work determinedly to contribute to the development of sustainable technologies that enable efficient and scalable production of green hydrogen, overcoming current challenges in the storage and use of this promising energy source.
The Solution
Our solution for the hydrogen and photovoltaic laboratory project at the UPC is completely sustainable and based on green technologies. Firstly, we are installing solar panels on the roof of building C on the Campus, which will power electrolyzers, devices capable of separating oxygen and hydrogen from water.
This green hydrogen, obtained entirely from renewable sources, will not emit greenhouse gas emissions. The obtained green hydrogen will be stored in tanks directly connected to the lower floor of the building, where we are developing a 340 m² hydrogen research laboratory. This laboratory will be a pioneer in Catalonia and will offer an innovation plataform and technolog for the business sector and the academic world. At Grup Carles, we are committed to sustainability and contributing to a greener and cleaner future through the use of renewable energies like green hydrogen.