DUPROCIM, the document that all municipalities in Catalonia must have.
The Municipal Civil Protection Unique Document (DUPROCIM) is the document that establishes the organizational and functional framework for a municipality to prevent and control risks to people and property and provide an adequate response to potential emergency situations.
The document is regulated by Decree 155/2014, of November 25, which approves the minimum content for the preparation of Municipal Civil Protection Plans and regulates the procedure for their homologation.
Therefore, it is established that municipalities subject to the preparation of these Civil Protection Plans must draft a DUPROCIM.
Its function is to determine the planning of municipal civil protection considering all the risks that affect it, with the structure and minimum content of the annex of the decree referred to above.
The elaboration of a DUPROCIM is a complex procedure that requires an analysis of both the municipality and the municipal organization: a detailed analysis of the different existing risks and also of the municipal vulnerability. From there, it is necessary to design the operational procedures for each risk (action sheets, telephone directory, catalog of means) and create specific cartography.
Grup Carles Enginyeria i Sostenibilitat are specialists in the drafting of the DUPROCIM and in its homologation process in the Territorial Services of Civil Protection of the Generalitat de Catalunya. In this regard, we have already successfully prepared the municipal plans of Sant Adrià de Besòs, Sant Boi de Llobregat, Esparreguera, Sant Esteve Sesrovires, Castellví de Rosanes, Canyelles, Castellcir, Jorba, Òdena, Argençola, Sant Martí de Tous, Malgrat de Mar, Sant Sadurní d'Anoia, among others.
The Single Municipal Civil Protection Document (DUPROCIM) is the document that establishes the organic and functional framework foreseen for a municipality, in order to prevent and control risks on people and property and to provide an adequate response to possible emergency situations.
The document is regulated by Decree 155/2014, of November 25, which approves the minimum content for the development of municipal civil protection plans and regulates the procedure for their approval.