Big Data applied to people management
Personnel management
Following this trend, for some years now, many companies have chosen to outsource certain personnel management functions (such as payroll, contracts, etc.) that do not add value to entities that specifically dedicate themselves to these activities. In this way, human resources departments can reinvest efforts in managing their team of professionals in an effective and strategic manner.
At this point, the role of new technologies is key. They have enabled the development of essential programs for the administration and management of people, as well as the emergence of new work modalities, such as teleworking or remote work.
But their potential goes beyond this. What is known as Big Data or the processing of large amounts of data, is beginning to be introduced into the world of human resources. This phenomenon, known as People Analytics, allows for the analysis of team data and making predictions to help companies make decisions and manage personnel in a fairer, more objective, and efficient manner.
Data processing facilitates the development of personalized career plans and training, allows for measuring levels of employee satisfaction and motivation, as well as the results and performance of work teams, facilitates the implementation of flexible remuneration systems, and improves recruitment and selection processes, among others.
In short, what is important is that human resource areas of companies in general, and especially SMEs, are able to manage resources more effectively, and their professionals can invest more time in developing those functions that add more value to the company.